Monday, March 17, 2014

PWI twofer! OPI: Vant to Bite my Neck? and SOPI: Beam Me Up Hottie!

I did not choose to put these polishes together because they are both complete sentences with punctuation.  I would have, but I only just noticed.  Dumb sentences, sure, but better than [grabs a bottle at random] "Smush".

This first one I kinda already knew would disappoint.  It's from the same collection as Eurso Euro (have I blithered on enough about that one yet?), and when I got EE in all its indigo perfection, I hoped the purple would be equally glorious.  (Spoiler: it isn't)

OPI Vant to Bite my Neck?:

These are both pretty color-accurate, because your human meat eyeball with its high dynamic range can
see a lot more color depth at once.  So the way-overexposed shot on the right that shows the purpliness is,
in human eyeball terms, just another part of this polish's "depth of color".  Stupid excellent meat eyeball.

So, in other words,

Eggplant.  Very dark purplish-black.  (Unless it's white.  Did you know it's called an"eggplant"
because of the smooth round egginess of the white ones?  I didn't.)  Aubergine.  Lovely color.
Source: the wikipedia article on "the color aubergine"

Look, aubergine is a lovely color that is mostly black.  Seriously, when your canvases are 1cm2, this is just... black.  In direct sunlight (well "sunlight") it's... black.  (Black with an excellent, long-lasting creme formula, because OPI.)

With hints of eggplant.

So, since I don't actually really like this polish, I decided to try to spruce it up by doing something I know I dislike, which is adding a highly-contrasting glitter topper.

SOPI: Beam Me Up, Hottie!:

Left: what it actually looked like, which is, mysteriously polka-dotted nails.  Right: They're very holographic
polka dots!  And I learned that a blurry picture actually captures the holo colors better.  I learned this from
real bloggers with better cameras.  Which I do not need one of.  Because I don't need another hobby.

It seemed like a good idea at the time., no it didn't.  It seemed like something I could reach without dislodging this cat.  So that's like a good idea, kind of.

This is just a bottle full of silver holographic glitter hexes in a clear base.  Seems like my kind of looking-futuristic thing, but the formula is such a total goddamned PITA.  This is several layers, with much dabbing.*

So... all things being equal, total fail!  I'll probably keep Beam My Up Hottie! for use over silver, where its holographic awesomeness can blend and glitter distribution is less obvious.  I kind of feel like McAubergine here is bound for a new home.

* (Basically what it sounds like – sort of "patting" the nail with the brush, pushing individual glitters (glits?**) around.)
** I am pretty sure an individual glitter is a glit

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