Friday, April 25, 2014

PWI twofer: Sinful Colors Secret Admirer and Winter Wonderland, plus, Zoya!

A bit ago, I asked my sister what color I should paint my nails, and she said gunmetal gray.  This is taking a while because I apparently have too many dark gray polishes!  I wanted to post these two together.

Sinful Colors Winter Wonderland:

Dark gray or maybe black, with a bazillion
little blue and gold shimmer particles.

And Sinful Colors Secret Admirer:

Dark gray or maybe black, with a bazillion
little silver shimmer particles.
Since these were taken in very different lighting, I painted my ring finger with Winter Wonderland and left the rest Secret Admirer.


I mean, you can kind of see the difference.  WW reads as paler and a bit bluer.  But come on, this is kind of ridiculous.  It's the same brand!  They're both very pretty, and they both look like macadam to me (although I don't think of macadam as "pretty," really, so that's a bit weird).

Anyway.  Dupes they be!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I <3 gray. And I looked at Zoya. So many colors! --Mama T.
