Sunday, February 16, 2014

Project Wear-It: Essie Going Incognito

Even since before discovering the blue perfection that is Eurso Euro, I've been mildly obsessed with finding a similarly wonderful green. Every option I see is slightly, but noticeably, kelly green – which is to say, has a definite blue/teal component. I love kelly green! But I want is a beautiful, saturated, true emerald green.

So when I saw The Polishaholic's swatches of Essie Going Incognito, I already knew it was kelly green. Her swatches are pretty much always spot-on and informative. But it was so close, and I wanted it to be green so badly, and Amazon (as always) was right there...

Essie Going Incognito:
See? A little too blue to be "true" green.

But good gravy it's pretty.
Formula lovely, color as shown or darker in some lights, yada yada.

I've collected nail polish on and off for years. My husband can vouch for buying me holographic polish, what, 15 years ago. Heck, my parents can vouch for buying me polish. But what really kicked off the last 2-3 years of obsession is the $2 Sinful Colors polish, and all its more recent competitors. ("What? People don't always like spending $10 for a cosmetic that might or might not work? What?!" Why is this idea novel you guys.)

My only point is that spending $8 for a not-quite-right green is a vote of confidence from me! I still haven't decided to spend $20 + $10-15 shipping for Rescue Beauty Lounge's Recycle (whimper but pretty whimper) even if it might be closer, so I'm still me.

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