Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Project Wear-It: Physician's Formula medium blue

I don't like it when nail polishes don't have a name. It breaks something in my little OCD heart not to be able to fill out a mental spreadsheet properly. I'm not particularly organized, so I have no idea why it bothers me, but it does.

Physicians Formula (no apostrophe) sells trios of unnamed minis. I bought "Trendsetter Chic": dark blue, medium blue, and plummy purple. I bought the trio for the dark blue (before I found my beloved Eurso Euro), and was disappointed by it. So I didn't have the highest hopes for the boring medium blue creme.

Physicians Formula Trendsetter Chic #2:

Joke's on me, and hooray for swatching! This turns out to be a beautiful polish! It's a rich, saturated cornflower blue, which covered flawlessly in two easy coats.

Okay, so this photo is a mess. My polish is super lumpy (I was trying something (don't ask)), and there's nail polish on a lot of things that aren't strictly my nails. But I don't care, because (1) it's pretty true to color, though the actual color is a bit dustier/whiter; and (2), pretty.

When I said I wanted Eurso Euro in every color, this is the medium-blue fulfillment of my wish. Yaaay!

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